
  • Checking status of Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol

    To check the status of VRRP, use the command show vrrp with the optional additional keyword of brief

  • Configuring Virtual Redundancy Router Protocol

    Legacy Configuration VRRP V2 can be configured by utilising this method Inside interface configuration mode, define the group and virtual IP address: vrrp <group-number> ip <virtual-ip-address> This all the configuration required to get VRRP running, but there are additional optional configuration that can be added. A priority can be defined between 0 and 255. Define…

  • Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol

    Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) is the industry standard version of Ciscos Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP). VRRP and HSRP operate in an almost identical manner with a few differences: Where HSRP has Active and Standby, VRRP has master and backup HSRP has preemption disable by default, VRRP has preemption enabled by default The virtual…

  • Checking status of Hot Standby Router Protocol

    Several commands can be utilised to check on the status of HSRP on a router. show standby can display HSRP status across the router. Its output can be limited by adding the suffix interface <interface> along with a summarised output with the additional keyword brief

  • Configuration of Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)

    Begin in interface configuration mode, the HSRP instance can be configured with the command standby <group-number> ip <virtual-ip-address> If preemption is to be enabled, the command standby <group-number> preempt must be entered. This means if a router with a higher priority joins the group than the current active router, it will assign the active role…

  • First Hop Redundancy Protocols: Hot Standby Router Protocol

    A Cisco proprietary protocol, Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP), provides transparent failover of a gateway device in a network. A minimum of two devices are required to enable Hot Standby Router Protocol. One of the devices acts as the active gateway in the network whilst the other remains in a standby position ready to take…

  • First Hop Redundancy Protocol: Object Tracking

    Object tracking can check on specific objects in the network, and work with First Hop Redundancy Protocols to take various actions depending on that objects status. For example, the reachability of route of can be tracked with the following command in global configuration mode: track 10 ip route reachability The status of that…

  • First Hop Redundancy Protocols

    First Hop Redundancy Protocols are the Layer 3 answer to resiliency. It adds multiple Layer 3 paths to allow devices to reach their destinations. First Hop Redundancy Protocols by creating a virtual gateway for the network that is shared between Layer 3 devices. There are many different protocols but three are relevant for the CCNP…

  • NTP Peers

    In an NTP architecture, the NTP client changes the time to reflect that of the chosen NTP server. The NTP server will not change its time to match that of a clients. NTP peers can act as clients and servers to each other – they blend their time to each other. An NTP peer will…

  • NTP Stratum Preference

    If an NTP client is configured with multiple NTP servers, the device will only use the NTP server with the lowest stratum.