
  • BGP Routing Path Selection: Longest Match

    Typically routers always select the path by examining the prefix length of as network entry, with the chosen path being based on prefix length. The longest prefix length always being preferred. The logic can be used to influence path selection in BG. Path attributes can be used to influence traffic too, but there may be…

  • BGP Communities

    BGP communities can provide additional capability by tagging routers and modifying the BGP policy on other routers that are upstream or downstream. BGP communities are an optional transitive BGP attribute that can travel from AS to AS on a route. The BGP community itself is a 32-bit integer that is included with a route. It…

  • Clearing BGP Sessions

    When a BGP filtering method has been changed, the BGP session may need to be cleared for the new filtering method to take effect. Typically when a BGP policy changes, the BGP table must be processed by the router for the filtering changes to take effect. There are two methods of clearing a BGP session,…

  • BGP Route Map Filtering

    Route maps can filter routes in or out to neighbours. Route maps can also provide attribute modification properties to routes advertised outbound or inbound too. Route maps are applied on a per neighbour basis, and different route maps can be activated for inbound and outbound directions. ip prefix-list lan-addresses ge 16 ip prefix-list public-addresses…

  • BGP AS Path Access Control List Filtering

    Selecting routes from a BGP neighbour by using the AS path requires an AS Path Access Control List. An AS Patch Access Control List is very different from a standard or extended access control list. An AS Path ACL utilises regular expressions as part of their filtering of routes based on the neighbours AS Path…

  • BGP Prefix List Filtering

    Prefix list filtering allows filtering of routes on a specific neighbour basis by using a prefix list. To create a prefix list, use the command ip prefix-list then apply it to a neighbour using the neighbour x.x.x.x prefix-list y followed by in or out. In will filter inbound, and out will filter outbound. ! Allow…

  • BGP Distribute List Filtering

    Distribute List filtering allows filtering of network prefixes on BGP using access control lists on a neighbour specific basis. The distribution list can be activated on a neighbour with the command neighbour x.x.x.x distribute-list y followed by in for inbound filtering or out for outbound filtering ip access-list extended restrict-routes ! Allows –…

  • BGP Route Filtering

    BGP route filtering is a method of selectively identifying and selecting routes that are advertised from BGP neighbours. By filtering routes, traffic flows can be manipulated. A common scenario of route filtering is from ISPs to customers. An ISP will implement route filtering to ensure only the customers prefixes are allowed over the BGP link…

  • BGP Route Maps

    Route maps can filter networks much in the same way as access control lists or prefix lists, and much more. Route maps have additional capabilities such as allowing the modification or addition of network attributes in BGP. To modify or add network attributes in BGP, a route-map must be referenced by the routing protocol. This…

  • BGP Regular Expressions

    There can be instances where identifying all the networks from a certain provider may be too complicated or numerous, and a regular expression may be more suitable to filter all networks from a certain AS. Regular expression can be used for this. Quick guide to regular expression Modifier Purpose _ Matches a space ^ Indicates…