IPv4 Support in OSPFv3
OSPFv3 can support multiple address families, including IPv4. To enable OSPFv3 for IPv4, ensure that the interface being used has a IPv6 address configured, it does not need to be a global address and can be a link-local one. The OSPF process for IPv4 can then be enabled with the command ospfv3 X ipv4 area…
Network types in OSPFv3
OSPFv3 supports the same network types as the original version of OSPF. The network type can be changed in interface configuaration mode with the commands ospfv3 network point-to-point or broadcast
OSPFv3 Summarisation
Similar to OSPF and IPv4 networks, OSPFv3 has the capability to summarise IPv6 networks too. To summarise an IPv6 network, use the following commands: router ospfv3 1 address-family ipv6 unicast area 0 range 2001:ab1:0:0::/65
OSPFv3 Passive Interface
Like OSPFv2, OSPFv3 has the ability to set an interface as passive. There are two modes in that passive-interface can be used, one will blacklist certain interfaces that are specified. The other will blacklist all interfaces by default and only interfaces that are explicitly specified will be whitelisted to participate in the OSPF process. To…
OSPFv3 Verification Commands
Viewing the OSPFv3 statistics and settings use very similar commands to those in OSPFv2 – most commands just need the ip ospf replaced with ospfv3 ipv6 To view neighbour adjacencies on OSPFv3, enter the command show ospfv3 ipv6 neighbor To view interface statistics in OSPFv3, use the command show ospfv3 interface followed by the interface…
Configuration of OSPFv3
To configure OSPFv3 on a Cisco device, IPv6 must be enabled on the router. This can be switched on with the global configuration command ipv6 unicast-routing Once IPv6 is enabled on the router, OSPFv3 router configuration mode can be entered with the command router ospfv3 followed by the chosen process ID. A router ID is…
OSPFv3 Packet Types
Type Packet Name Source Destination Purpose 1 Hello Link-local address FF02:55 Discover and maintain neighbours 1 Hello Link-local address Link-local address Initial forming of adjacency and immediate hello 2 Database Description Link-local address Link-local address Summarise database contents 3 Link state request Link-local address Link-local address Requesting information from a database 4 Link-state update Link-local…
OSPFv3 Communication
OSPFv3 packets use protocol 89, with communication using the routers link local interface address as the source. The destination address is either a unicast link local address or multicast link local address. ff02::05 OSPFv3 All Routers ff02::06 OSPFv3 Designated Routers Multicast addresses used in OSPFv3 communication Every router will use the multicast address FF02::5 to…
OSPFv3 LSA Types
LS Type Name Description 0x2001 Router Describe the state and cost to reach a routers interface in an area 0x2002 Network A LSA that announces all of the routers attached to the link including itself 0x2003 Interarea Prefix Describes routes to IPv6 address prefixes that belong to other areas 0x2004 Interarea Router Announces the interface…
OSPFv3 Link State Advertisements
OSPFv3 protocols use the ID 89, with communication between different routers using the local interfaces IPv6 link local address. OSPFv3 link state advertisements are a little different from OSPFv2. For the Router link state advertisement, the network summary LSA is renamed the interarea prefix LSA. The ASBR summary link state advrtisement is renamed to interarea…