Cisco Location/ID Separation Protocol (LISP)

The rapid growth a default-free zone, DFZ, also known as the global internet routing table led to development of Cisco Location/ID Separation Protocol.

LISP is a routing architecture, data and control plane protocol designed to address several problems on the internet:

Aggregation Issues

Routes on the internet that a provider independent routes that can not be aggregated. This results in a ever growing routing table

Traffic Engineering

In order to control ingress traffic, adding more specific routes to the internet is the solution. This adds to the problem of aggregation issues mentioned in the previous point


In order to accomplish proper multihoming on IPv4, a full global route table is required. For this many routes a powerful router is required to handle this full global route table.

Routing Instability

The instability of the internet global routing table means a powerful router is already required just to handle the large amount of routes.

Even with this design is mind, it found to be used in other organisation networks such as data centres and enterprises.



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